Part 6

Takuto's friends are very relieved to see him again. Ikaru's call is extremely bad; in particular what concerns his fondness for cruel games and hardly anyone had counted to see once again the dragon rider alive.
Takuto is strangely quiet. He describes his kidnapping at length and explains otherwise, only, how he was freed. No further comment, regardless how much Hisaya and the others try to find out.
He looks after Tetsu'ko and retires to his quarter soon.
Someone knocks at his door in the afternoon. As he opens it nobody is there, only a folded sheet of paper lays on the ground. Takuto picks it up and opens it. A single, very fair hair strand appears. A couple of blood drops and a short memo complete the message.
"On the pass height this evening. Come alone."
Takuto crumples the sheet slowly.
Who ever it is, he has Koji!
Takuto considers. There are many reasons to ignore this message or to notify the guards. He is sure that it is a trap. He also does not know if Koji still lives. It will be difficult to fly somewhere alone with his dragon, his comrades will notice it.
But if there is a chance to free Koji, he will use it. He simply owes him that. Takuto turns determined around.
While he checks his crossbow, put in some bolts and prepares dressing material, he prays to any God that wants to hear them, that Koji still lives. And some gnawing in his stomach guarantees that he finishes his preparations in record time.
Takuto steps to the pen in his leather armament and fully armed hardly an hour later.
Hisaya stops him right after. "What do you plan? Want to lead a small war?"
"No, I would like to make a little patrol flight. I just want to be equipped, if that Ikaru once again crosses my way."
Hisaya does not seem convinced. "Are you sure that you want to fly alone? They surprised us very much the last time with those gigantic steel bows. I would gladly accompany you. And - our task is complete. We fly back to the base tomorrow. Why do you still want to patrol?"
Takuto smiles calmly. "Just for fun. I was not in the air for two full days, so a little patrol is precisely the correct thing
for me. I'll be back in a few hours."
Hisaya shrugs. He is not sure about that, however does not want to forbid the excursion either. 'Perhaps he needs this to clear his mind.'
"Okay. However, be back before evening." Takuto nods thankfully and calls Tetsu'ko.
The dragon comes willingly and to be bridled. Takuto is soon flying over the city in the direction of the Storm mountains.
He usually enjoys flying. His thoughts are this time somewhere else.
Tetsu'ko has already reached the mountains, Takuto keeps him at the side of the mountain path. The dragon turns his head and looks questioning, an eye on him.
"Koji was caught. We will free him. You ..."
Before Takuto can finish the sentence, he senses a vehement jerk in his reins. Tetsu'ko stuck the bit between his jaws and changed his course - in direction of the dragon refuge.  Takuto tries to turn his dragon, to bring him under control again - unsuccessfully. Tetsu'ko pretends to be blind and deaf, he refuses to carry out any other command. Takuto is stunned. The dragon - and any other dragons - had never refused his rider. Yes, an untrained pair has its controversies.
Small fights at the beginning of a partnership are normal. However, a complete refusal - never.
Whatever. He won't let him be prevented from saving Koji, not even by his dragon.
The pass height is in vision, around 2000 steps far. Takuto spots under him a small mountain lake glimmering. He grips his crossbow and pulls his feet out of the stirrups. Izumi stands up on the back of his dragon and jumps.
During his fall he hears a horrified scream. Tetsu'ko turns in the  midair and drops off after him. But before the dragon can catch him, Takuto hits the water and dives deep into the mountain lake. He manages to swim to the
shore and hides from his dragon below the embankment. Takuto is not sure whether Tetsu'ko would let him go if he sees him. Dragons can be extremely stubborn. He ignores that this also applies to himself.
Tetsu'ko searches desperately the lake. He keeps emitting small whining sounds with which he usually greets Takuto. As he cannot find the boy, he flies up from the bank and rises slowly into air. Tetsu'ko turns over the lake several times until he finally flies in the direction of Yakazu. Takuto climbs, wet and freezing, on the bank. He fortunately still has his weapons and his knife.
So, as quickly as possible, he climbs in the direction of the pass height.

Flying was easier - he curses, as he slips off again and again and must cling to the rubble. He is making enough noise to wake a dead! His hands are bloody, the tender gloves are simply not made for a climbing tour. He is finally at range of view. The sun already sank, the shadows of the rocks are long and dark. He can recognize some ruins before him. He draws the crossbow and sneaks cautiously ahead.
Before him he hears voices, but cannot determine the direction precisely. He creeps around a ledge and sees suddenly the light of a campfire. Takuto lifts the crossbow and steps forward. No one is there. A pit! He can be recognized easily before the flames! When he realizes his mistake, it's already too late. A projectile thrown from behind hits him at the head.
Izumi collapses without even having seen his opponents