Regards from the past

Izumi sighs happily as he sinks in the hot water of the bath tube. It has been a hell of a day. Or better, of an evening.
It begun so nice.
After a busy day, Koji liked to take him to cinema. They both discussed a little in front of the movie palace and finally decided for  ‘Interview with a Vampire’.
A pity,  that no soccer movies are made. Izumi smiles a little, sinking deeper into the hot water. Well, not anyone has his interests in sport, right?
After the movie, they were high-spirited. Koji sweared, he would love to be a vampire, just to make Izumi one and loving him for eternity. Izumi called him baka for that and ‘How are I’m supposed to play soccer at night?’ and stuff like that. They teased each other a little – like never before, their moods have been just great.
Laughing, they approached Koji’s car.
Koji grabbed Izumi’s face and gave him a passionate, deep kiss.
For once, Izumi didn’t hesitate, he wrapped his arms around Koji, let himself go in the sensations.
“Don’t you believe it! Nanjo is kissing a guy!”
Mocking laughter around.
A motorbike gang seemed to drop out of nowhere surrounding them, looking dangerous.  Bikes roared. Tension was in the air.
Koji stepped ahead of Izumi, keeping him behind his back. “What do you want?”
The leader of the gang stepped forward. “Hi, Koji, long time, no see. How is it going? Don’t you recognize your old pal anymore?”
Koji looked coldly at the boy like on some kind of insect. “Oh, Takeda… .  Still hanging around with
losers, I see.”
The temperature seemed to drop several degrees. Some of the brutes raised and stepped just a little closer.
Takeda made a swift gesture with his hand. The brutes stopped.
“You are as arrogant as ever, Koji. I never liked you.  But that you fucked my girlfriend is something, I can’t forgive nor forget. She told me around six moths after you left the gang.
To be exact, she left me that day and had the nerves to tell me, I could never reach your ‘quality’. You’ll pay for that humiliation.
I wanted to screw your girl, but as things are, your taste has changed...
Well, boys, anyone in for that little queer?”
Izumi ducked a little, clenching his hands to fists, ready to fight. “You are sick! But if you want something just try to get it yourself!”
His challenge surprised Takeda and his guys. He looked in glittering brown eyes and felt somehow strange, even challenged. “Well, maybe I will …”
Spoke it with a dirty grin and made a move towards Izumi.
In the next second, he got a hard punch in his stomach – from Koji. The big boy was out of his mind with anger and hit Takeda with everything he got – just for approaching his Izumi.
The next moments happened too fast. Four or five of the brutes attacked Koji and two strong guys grabbed Izumi’s arms to hold him down. He could do nothing to help. Koji fought with all he had.
There was no quarter asked and none given.
Finally, they overwhelmed him, not without Koji delivering a lot of damage to his attackers.
Izumi was shivering with anger; he kneeled on the ground and screamed at the men to stop it.
When they were satisfied and stepped back, Koji lay on the ground.
Takeda watched the whole time. Now he approached Izumi again, who got back on his feet.
“Looks, like your knight has fallen, pretty. What about a kiss for the hero?”
Before he could even touch Izumi, a strong knee hit his belly and knocked the air out of him. He collapsed on his knees panting heavily.
One of the brutes tried to punch the smaller boy and was surprised with a healthy knock to his jaw.
Before the situation got out of hand, Takeda called his people to stop.
He raised a little shakily and watched the slender boy thoughtfully.
“You got one hell of a temper, pretty.  If you weren’t a boy, I would love to woo you. Are you sure, that Koji is the right one for you?”
Izumi growled. “That’s not your business. Koji is just – well, Koji. Leave him alone!”
“As you wish, pretty. Maybe next time, ok?” Dark eyes glittered again. “Don’t count on it.” Hissed Izumi angry at Takeda. The gang collected their injured members. Two were still unconscious. Koji had put up one hell of a fight. At last instant, Takeda turned to Izumi with a bad grin. “See you soon. I’ll like to play with you!”
Then they drove off. Izumi didn’t deign an answer. He stepped to Koji, kneeled down and laid his head on his lap. Koji came slowly around. He was injured. Some bruises, a few cut.
The first thing Koji noticed was Izumi stroking his face. He smiled a little trough his bruises and rested.
When he was ready, Izumi helped him up and carried him to the car. At first, they started to argue again. Izumi wanted Koji to drive to the hospital. Koji depended to drive home.
Finally, Izumi gave in and they went home. He supported Koji, helped him to bed and undressed him. The injuries were not too bad; Izumi cleaned and bandaged them.
When he left Koji to bath, he already slept.
Izumi sighs again. A dark spot from Koji’s past. How many will approach them in the future?
The bath is really relaxing.
Suddenly a faint noise is heard from the door.
It opens and a groggy, all ruffled up Koji stumbles  in.
“Baka! You should stay in bed. You are hurt!” A soft smile is all he gets. Despite of Izumi's protest, Koji climbs also into the tube and cuddles Izumi on his chest.
They both fell silent.
Koji caress gently Izumi's Hair and Neck.
After a while, Izumi breaks the silence. “The water is getting cold and I’m tired. Lets go to bed.”
They get up, Koji is still unsure on his legs. Izumi dries him carefully and maneuvers him to the bedroom.
Koji is so exhausted, he sleeps immediately. Izumi nestles close to him, murmuring. “Baka. Getting hit just because of protecting me. I can protect myself.” He touches the white chest  a last time and falls asleep also.
A soft smile plays around Koji’s lips as he drives deeper into his dreams.